Tutor with us

Share your skills and knowledge as one of our Kaiako/Tutors
Study for an adult tertiary teaching qualification for free!

Help us deliver accessible quality education programmes to adults in Aotearoa

Work for us...

Kaiako - Tutor: Literacy and Numeracy Learning.

Help us deliver accessible quality programmes designed to ensure the peoples of Aotearoa are critically literate and able to realise their potential.

We are seeking applications from talented literacy and numeracy tutors for part-time, casual and fixed term positions across Aotearoa.

You will be part of a national team of educators who are passionate in their understanding that increased literacy and numeracy skills leads to increased opportunities, including employment and further education for learners, and potentially their whānau, families and communities.

Literacy Aotearoa is committed to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, working to a strong value base, and contributing to the wellbeing of our learners, our communities, and our country.

To enquire or apply please email recruitment@literacy.org.nz

Train with us...

New Zealand Certificate in Adult Tertiary Teaching

The New Zealand Certificate in Adult Tertiary Teaching, Level 4, is a free online tutor training programme offered by Literacy Aotearoa.

The New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 4, Credits 40), is taught online over 34 weeks.

Launch your career with learning and teaching strategies specifically for adult learners and gain insight into effective literacy and numeracy strategies. This programme is designed for an adult and tertiary educator starting out on their adult education and training career.

To enquire please email trainingadmin@literacy.org.nz

People awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching will be able to:

  • Design for learning to meet specified learning outcomes in a familiar context;
  • Use learner-centred teaching strategies that respect learners’ mana and diverse backgrounds;
  • Select and apply facilitation, teaching and learning strategies in familiar contexts, using resources and technologies to meet specific outcomes;
  • Use assessment and moderation processes;
  • Seek and respond to feedback from learners and other stakeholders to improve learner outcomes in candidate’s own context;
  • Adult Literacy and Numeracy skills development in the Aotearoa New Zealand context;
  • Understanding the Aotearoa New Zealand learning progressions for adult literacy and numeracy programme design and teaching;
  • Identify and discuss a range of Māori and Pasifika perspectives that inform adult literacy and numeracy teaching.


The programme is delivered online:

  • 34 week programme
  • 6 days required online training workshops and 1 day optional training workshops.

Intakes are each month (excluding January and December).
Your estimated average weekly commitment is 9-12 hours.

Workshop dates are listed below - these are online sessions run 9am -3pm with the facilitator also available for questions for another 1-2 hours.

Remaining 2024 NZCATT intake dates

Workshops start in the first week so you will need to be enrolled in time for the first workshops.

Entry Requirements.

  • New Zealand citizens or residents, or a citizen Australia, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau.
    If you are unsure just ask us
  • Attend online facilitated training workshops
    You need to attend the scheduled training workshops.
  • BYOD – Bring your own device
    You need to have regular access to a device (computer or laptop) for online learning.
  • Access to WIFI or internet
    Access to a reliable internet connection, preferably high-speed, and/or a data plan to be able to support online learning.
  • Practical knowledge of computers with basic file management and word processing skills
    100% of the programme is online. Practical knowledge of computers and basic file management and word processing skills is highly recommended.
  • Access to at least two adult learners
    You need to have access to a minimum of two adult learners in a workplace, tertiary institute or community organisation. *In many cases Literacy Aotearoa may be able to help source these learners.

Employment Pathway

Graduate tutors of this programme will have the skills and knowledge for adult educator roles in workplace, tertiary institute or community settings with the ability to plan and implement literacy and numeracy within their programmes.

Academic Pathway

Graduate tutors of this programme may pathway to the Literacy Aotearoa programme, New Zealand Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) Level 5, cross crediting 20 credits.

Need help enrolling?

Contact us: trainingadmin@literacy.org.nz